29 August 2012


I am a very big fan of Bernina products and my place of work runs a Bernina club!! You take along your Bernina machine and get to complete a project designed by the Bernina team to learn how to use your machine and learn about accessories for the machine and use new feet and learn new techniques.

I love it! I love learning what my sewing machine is capable of doing, I love learning new techniques, I love that some people are so creative and can think up these amazing projects and I love completing an entire project I have never done before in a single day.

I am in love with these notebook covers made using Peltex!

The purple one is the second one my Mum has made and the grey one is the second one I have made using a travel themed fabric which may accompany me on my travels to act as my travel journal! *excited face*

The elastic pulls over the top and they open up with a pocket on the inside and a flip over notepad in the middle. I adore the pattern and it makes me proud that I have been given the opportunity and knowledge to make something so fancy!

28 August 2012

Paper Pieces All Around

I have two paper piecing projects on the go and these are some pictures of the original project that got me hooked and is still very much a work in progress...

Rainbow of Magic

Last night I finished reading Terry Pratchett's 'The Colour of Magic' and I give it 5/5!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and am very excited to order the next book and continue on this epic reading adventure. He has written so many books, but I am determined to devour his Discworld series at least.

I am torn on only one thing; part of me wished I had started reading his books at a younger age, but I am also glad that I have started them now so I can appreciate his work as much as I am. He has such original ideas and theories entwined in his work and I am not sure if I would have seen the value in that when I was younger. Fear not though as I have discovered the wonderful Discworld and can happily say I'm in for the full works!!


27 August 2012

Dreams Stitching Together

It is so very exciting to see a project you dreamed up come to life. I have started a potentially silly project with my charm pack, but I have been enjoying it and that is all that matters.

My charm pack has made friends with four plain homespuns and is making a nest of 1/2" hexagons.

It is growing at a rapid rate

And is a craft I can do in the car too. Gotta love that.
I have many assessments to do in the next little while, so I fear this nest will be growing at a much slower rate, but it shall be waiting for me when time comes my way again.
I have also been enjoying Terry Pratchett's first book, 'The Colour of Magic' and am happy with my other potentially crazy decision to start at the beginning of his epic collection of Discworld novels. Loving it so much so far!


13 August 2012


I love it when you suddenly know what you want to do next - craft land-wise is where this mostly occurs for me, and I had one of those moments this morning.

I purchased a charm pack recently and have been longing to play with it to decide what I want to do with it and I had a lightning bolt of inspiration this morning.

I have decided that I will complement the prints from the charm pack with solids in the same colours and snip snip them all up and make an english paper pieced hexagon amalgamation!! I have been loving getting into my block of the month piecing, but have been lost as to what it will be once I am finished. My charm pack idea will be easier in just one shape with fabric I have chosen and much less planning for lay out. I am so excited.

AND Spotlight is having 30% off today and tomorrow so the solids shall be my Birthday present to myself and I can start on my big day tomorrow I hope :)

So very excited!! Ignoring the UFO's and being excited for a new project :p


04 August 2012

Take a breath and... breathe

I am so excited about all the things I have to look forward to in my future. I find myself becoming impatient that things I want to have happened are yet to occur, but there are days, like today that I am grateful they are yet to occur as I am able to dream about them and be excited.

Today I am dreaming of owning a house and planning what I want to have and how I want to decorate it. I have been finding so much inspiration and enjoyment from one blog that I discovered this morning, http://cornflowerbluestudio.blogspot.com.au/

I still have not scrolled through all her blog and I am already bursting at the seams with all the brilliance I have found in the one place! I have bookmarked many a page to come back to explore further and am looking forward to crocheting hearts and stars(starfish) and making a wripple afgan and would love to make a kitty bed from an old suitcase and have a bright, open craft space and oh so many more things!

I am elated that there is so much for me in my future! :D


Education pitfall

I don't like to complain and I am so very grateful I have the opportunity to study, but I have to say that I am looking forward to graduating at the end of this year and being able to spend my weekends reading novels and spending hours doing craft and having coffee in the sun in parks and going exploring and not feeling guilty for every moment I don't spend studying. Phew, now that I have that off my chest, back to the text book I go...

02 August 2012

Excitement in the house

I have just ordered a copy of 'Colour of Magic' by terry Pratchett! The anniversary edition and I am feeling oh so fancy! Haha!

Thus begins my epic journey of reading the huge number of books Terry Pratchett has written!

Wish me luck!