29 August 2012


I am a very big fan of Bernina products and my place of work runs a Bernina club!! You take along your Bernina machine and get to complete a project designed by the Bernina team to learn how to use your machine and learn about accessories for the machine and use new feet and learn new techniques.

I love it! I love learning what my sewing machine is capable of doing, I love learning new techniques, I love that some people are so creative and can think up these amazing projects and I love completing an entire project I have never done before in a single day.

I am in love with these notebook covers made using Peltex!

The purple one is the second one my Mum has made and the grey one is the second one I have made using a travel themed fabric which may accompany me on my travels to act as my travel journal! *excited face*

The elastic pulls over the top and they open up with a pocket on the inside and a flip over notepad in the middle. I adore the pattern and it makes me proud that I have been given the opportunity and knowledge to make something so fancy!

1 comment:

Brewed Together said...

These are so much fun! And so clever with the elastic cover! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at brewedtogether.com